1. Awards/Research Grant during the year
  2. Details of research grants, since last year in respect of faculties/ residents in the Department of Community Medicine, Dr RP Govt. Medical College, Kangra at Tanda (HP)
  3. Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology : Maternal and perinatal health research collaboration, India (MaatHRl) is a UK-India collaboration for maternal and perinatal health research. It is a collaboration between the University of Oxford (National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit, Nuffield Department of Population Health and Dr Rajendra Prasad Government Medical College Kangra, at Tanda, Himachal Pradesh.The principal chief investigator Dr Manisha Nair is at Oxford and site collaborators are Dr Sita Thakur, Professor and head of OBG Department, Dr Ashok Verma, Professor In OBG and of Omesh Bharti (Padam shree), the State Epidemiologist stationed at SIHFW Parimahal, Shimla.
  4. Hospital based sentinel surveillance for S pneumonia and other invasive bacterial disease – 2. Funding agency – ICMR.
  5. Enthesitis / spondylitis – associated juvenile living in Turkey and India idiopathic comparison of clinical features of patients with arthritis. Dokuz Eylul university faculty of medicine.
  6. Identification of monogenic and epigenetic defects in patients with common variable immunodeficiency in India : a next generation sequencing based multicentric sudy from north India. ( With PGIMER Chandigarh)</sp
  7. Multicentre study on genetics of systemic juvenile arthritis (sjia) associated macrophage activation syndrome (MAS). (with PGIMER Chandigarh).
  8. A multicentric genome wide association study the novel susceptibility loci in Kawasaki disease in Indian population. ( with PGIMER Chandigarh).
  9. Study on Polio and non Polio enterovirus infections in patients with primary immune deficiency disorders at multiple medical institutes across India – phase 2 with WHO and ICMR Mumbai.
  10. Association of endocrine disrupters with early puberty in Indian children, multicentric trial. (MAMC & Dr RPGMC kangra).